Manuals & Support

Pop Up Products Manuals

We’re dedicated to providing our customers with the best support for our low level access products, which is why we have created a guide library so you and your team can stay familiar with how our products operate, wherever you’re working. Download our guides for all the important information you need when you’re on the move to help you to work safely and confidently.

Keeping you covered

We recognise that safe and simple quality products that are well supported is a must. POP UP PRODUCTS provides clear and no-nonsense warranties to ensure you’re covered, should you ever need a repair.

Eiger 500 Tower


“Through our strong partnership with POP UP PRODUCTS, we have been able to develop new products in response to our unique market insights and customer feedback”.

“This investment ensures the product availability across our 200-strong national depot network and we look forward to continuing our relationship with POP UP PRODUCTS to bring further innovation to the market in future.”

Russell Down, Chief Executive of Speedy

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