Corporate Social Responsibility

At Pop Up Products, we are passionate about doing our part in helping the community through charitable donations, fundraising activities and volunteering.

Caring for our community

We choose to support a wide range of charities and organisations every year, that are close to the hearts of our team.

We are proud to support...


Charities worked with


Funding raised


Staff hours donated

Caring for our community

We choose to support a wide range of charities and organisations every year, that are close to the hearts of our team.

Sponsoring Jamie Kirsopp


Eve Merton Dreams Trust

We were pleased to sponsor Jamie Kirsopp, to play a legends game between Liverpool and Doncaster. In total, the match raised over £65,000 for the charity

St Georges Day Hole Sponsorship


Multiple charities

We sponsored a hole at the annual St George’s Charity Golf Day at St Annes Old Links Golf Club raised an impressive £25,000 for local charities including; Brian House, ABF The Soldiers’ Charity, Fylde Borough Food Banks and the RNLI Lytham St Annes.

Donated MiTower and training


Claire House Children’s Hospice

To celebrate our 10th anniversary of the MiTower, we donated one to our local children’s hospice, Claire House to help them carry out crucial renovations to their building.

Sponsorship of cricket club


Halkyn CC

We sponsored a local cricket club, Halkyn CC for their 2023 season. It was great to support the team through their matches.

Cash For Kids Donation


Cash For Kids

We made a donation of Christmas gifts to Cash For Kids, who support children and young people affected by poverty, abuse, neglect, life-limiting illness and those who have additional needs.

Macmillan Cancer Support Donation


Macmillan Cancer Support

We made a charitable donation of £500 To Macmillan Cancer Support. Cancer affects everyone in their lifetime and it is a cause we are very pleased to be able to support to help families in times of emotional support.

Sponsoring a golf hole


BEAT charity

We sponsored a golf hole to help raise money for BEAT charity, who support individuals who are struggling with eating disorders in the UK.

Matchball Sponsor – Dumbarton vs Cove Rangers


Local Team support

We sponsored the match ball for a 2-2 score football match between Dumbarton and Cove Rangers. It was a great match to watch too.

A Plant 24 hour 3 peaks challenge


The Princes Trust Million makers

Our Sales Director, Ben Sly, took part in a 24 hour 3 peaks challenge with A Plant to raise money for The Princes Trust Million Makers. Ben climbed to the summits of Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowden in under 24 hours.

Charity Opportunities

If you run a charity or community project and would like us to know about you, or for us to consider your organisation for future contributions, please fill out the form below.

    Charity enquiry
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