
Where did the product range EIGER come from?

11th May 2023

Eigerwand is a famous mountain peak in the Alps of Switzerland. It is renowned for its north face, which is considered one of the most challenging climbs in the world at 3,970m (13,025ft).

Is there any training needed to assembly a tower?

11th May 2023

This will always depend on your circumstances. The biggest question is how do you prove competence? Manufacturing training is the key to this because it proves you have been trained. There is a training organisation…

What’s the difference between PH and WH?

11th May 2023

PH – Platform Height – Where your feet will be after you have built your tower WH – Working Height –  The height you can safely work too. Example – 4.2ph – 6.2wh

What frame do I start my tower with?

11th May 2023

This will depend on your platform height need, but most familiar towers are built at 4.2 platform height. So you will start with a 2-rung frame. (These used to be none as guardrail frames).

Why do I need to use stabilisers at all heights?

11th May 2023

Stabilisers must be fitted at the first opportunity following the build method guide. Under EN1004, a complex calculation is needed to determine what height stabilisers are fitted, so the old rule of 3:1 ratio –…

Can I tie my tower in?

11th May 2023

Only on request and guidance from the manufacturer. You are to provide information on the site location and surrounding terrain.

Do you have to consider the weather conditions?

11th May 2023

Yes, all our towers have been tested in a freestanding position to stand wind speeds up to 27mph (Beaufort 6). However, if the wind speed exceeds 17mph, all work must STOP, and consideration to dismantling…

How about my ground conditions?

11th May 2023

Always try to assemble your tower on a flat and solid surface and not over any maintenance hole covers or grates. If this is unavoidable, our recommendation would be a flat square sole board under…

Is there a guideline for building a mobile access tower on a slope?

11th May 2023

This would always depend on the conditions, and your risk assessment should be reviewed. For example, if it is safe to assemble a tower on a slope, swivel base plates should be used instead of…

What is the adjustable leg used for?

11th May 2023

The adjustment on the leg is only there for levelling purposes on uneven grounds or sloping surfaces. When doing this, at least one should always be on a minimum extension and not gain the extra…

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