Our Manufacturing partner is creating the most technologically advanced welding production line in the world.

19th June 2015

Our Manufacturing partner is creating the most technologically advanced welding production line in the world.


POP UP PRODUCTS and Altrex have long been successful partners. This close working relationship has helped to enhance our existing products and importantly has been instrumental in developing new and innovative access products.

State of the Art technology is already used in the manufacturing process, but Altrex are taking the next step to future-proof production by building the most innovative welding line process in the world.

For the technically minded: 5 robots working alone and together over a new 75m welding production line , CMT Advanced, low heat, spatter free welding, 0.03mm positional accuracy of welds at micron level and automatic calibration to ensure 100% accuracy – impressive!

Visit http://www.altrex.com/innovation/en/new-welding-line/ to read more.


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