The evolution of our products

20th January 2025

At Pop Up Products Ltd, we are always developing our range to be able to provide our customers with the very best, safest, and innovative products to make their working lives easier. 

From demerging from NSG in 2006, we have gone on to expand the company into a leading manufacturer in the access sector, with many product launches, which we are going to look back on in this blog. 

2005 – Original POP Up lift

After extensive research and development, the original POP UP lift is launched – the world’s first push-around mini scissor lift. This product was launched under the company of NSG, but it is what gave us our name!

2006 – Pop Up Products demerges from NSG 

EIGER Tower 500

Pop Up Products demerges from NSG to become an independent business in its own right.

2012 – EIGER 500 Gen 2

The second generation of the EIGER 500 tower system is launched. The original EIGER 500 was launched by NSG.

2013 – Mi TOWER and EIGER 250

MI TOWER, the world’s first one-man tower is launched worldwide, making scaffold access available to the individual for the first time. 

The EIGER 250 tower system is launched, taking the best of the EIGER 500, but engineering it so it can be assembled without the need for ladder frames.


2014 – Mi TOWER+

The MI TOWER range is extended with the addition of MI TOWER+, the very first two-man tower that can be erected by one man in under 15 minutes.

2015 – PRO IQ

Building on customer feedback and extensive development, the Pop Up PRO IQ is launched – the world’s first intelligent push-around lift.

2016 – Mi TOWER Stairs

MI TOWER STAIRS are launched, making it possible to use our easy-assembly scaffold towers over staircases.


The DELTADECK® low level work platform is an innovative work at height solution, ideal for those needing flexibility when working at heights of 3m and below.



We introduced the new ALPHADECK™ platform step which provides versatility for use across a range of sectors and professions. It is built around safety, convenience, and sustainability.

2023 – IQLIFT Pro 7 Active

The latest version of the IQLIFt, the PRO 7 Active offers a hydraulic and battery free low-level access machine to deliver a cost effective and easy to maintain push around mobile elevating lift.

We value your feedback

As we move into the next phase of product innovation, we would welcome your feedback. We would love to know what you think of our existing products, how you find them to use, and if there’s anything you think we can improve in the future. 

Please complete our 2-minute survey here. 

View all of our current products here.

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