At POP UP PRODUCTS, we aim to maintain the highest standards for both the Company and our Customers.
We are dedicated to ensuring the highest level of safety and quality to our employees, so their health & safety is not affected by their operation at POP UP PRODUCTS .
POP UP PRODUCTS promotes equality and diversity throughout our business and maintains responsible relationships with the communities we serve.
We take all practical steps required to provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment for all employees and measure this by utilising risk assessments across the business. It is our priority that all employees are provided with suitable, preventative and protective measures which are in line with our best practices and duty of care.
We achieve these standards working collaboratively with all employees to increase and maintain a high level of safety, health, environmental and quality awareness.
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Any activity we take as part of our operation is carried out to minimise any effect on the environment and it is imperative to work closely with the enforcing authorities, such as the Health & Safety Executive, Environment Agency and Local Authorities to achieve our high standards. It is our priority to comply with all relevant legislation, standards, guidance and good practice.
The senior management team demonstrates a commitment to the IMS by active involvement, and by providing adequate resources and training. It is in the business’ best interests to monitor, measure and review all arrangements against our objectives to ensure they remain effective and current with changing legislation, standards and knowledge.
POP UP PRODUCTS is dedicated to providing products and services that satisfy the customer and clients requirements. We are obligated to continuously assess the impact on the health & safety of others, the environment and the quality of the products and services that we provide.
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